Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Connor's Last Post

Sup errybody,

As the title says, this is gonna be the last one I write. Once again, I'm totally winging this, so don't judge my crappy writing. Well, one hell of an adventure. During the last ~10 days, we have
-Gotten lost for three hours, then ended up at a random restaurant and had the best dinner of the trip
-Burned multiple holes in our wallets in Akihabara
-Ate boatloads of food
-Helped out a homeless dude
-Adventured through the hellhole of Tokyo nightlife that is Roppongi, and (more tamely) explored Shibuya
-Befriended people from around the world
-Rocked out to karaoke
-Abandoned Adarsha on a train going the wrong direction
-Incinerated a cockroach, may he not rest in peace
-Had my umbrella stolen when it was pouring rain by this Japanese chick when I was trying to be a gentleman (bitch)
-Found out about Adarsha's borderline fetish for Godzilla

And a lot of other stupid shit that I won't list here for multiple reasons. Today, on our big last day, we were pretty lazy. It was kind of depressing knowing that our trip was finally over. We went shopping one last time to pick up crap for our families (and Adarsha's sisters, if you're reading this, he spent a good two hours finding stuff for you, so give your brother some credit) and finally treated ourselves to a highly classy dinner of sushi. It seemed fitting. We've said our goodbyes and packed our bags, and we'll be leaving in the morning.

This little vacation was in some ways exactly what I expected it to be, and completely different than what I expected in other ways. First off, I knew it'd be fun as hell, (which it certainly was) but I didn't figure I'd learn anything important from it really. A few things aren't the kinda crap I can write about here, so I'll stick to one major thing I can. And that's the relationships we made here. All my life I've been awful at making friends and it's normally taken me at least two years to make any noteworthy relationships. I figured it'd always be that way. Turns out I was wrong. I met some incredible people on this trip, two of whom I only spent time with for around four days. When I first met them I figured it would ultimately extend to some average small-talk at the hostel at best. I didn't think I'd actually make any real friends. Which I did. It turns out that quality certainly trumps quality in terms of bonding with people in some cases. I'm still convinced that it's only in very few cases, but who knows. I'm only nineteen. I certainly hope this isn't the last I'll see or hear of these people. Oh, and I also learned how to say vagina in Japanese. So there's that too.

Well, see ya next time Japan. I need to go home and see The Dark Knight Rises 'cause that movie looks fucking awesome.

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